Battle against head lice is not a joke. It's not really difficult, just terribly time-consuming. The horses really about your life for a few days after you discover them (whether) to yourself or your children!
The best strategy for dealing with lice can never get them in the first place. With this fact in mind, there are several effective strategies you can use to prevent head lice:
Not for anything that somehow his head.
Bring you do not give your children ornot borrow such things. Hair brushes and combs, hair clips and hair bands, scarves and hats, coats and jackets, pillows and towels ... everything in some way to keep your hair, for themselves, to avoid the pick lice from someone else.
Keep the hair short.
It is easy for boys to avoid head lice. To keep their hair very short. Lice do not like short hair because they need to hide. It is ridiculously easy, head lice found in short hair place and get rid of themimmediately. It is not hard to convince that boy has short hair the way to go, because it so much easier to maintain.
Put more hair in braids, buns or rolls.
Braiding hair, or put it up in a bun, really helps to reduce the chance of lice. If your daughter does not like these options, at least they should tie their hair in a ponytail when she goes to school or other large gatherings of children.
Rinse your hair withVinegar.
If your hair is thoroughly with equal parts water and vinegar after washing may be the acid in the vinegar to deter lice from the selection of your head to set up household. (However, the smell of vinegar may bother you too.
Use coconut shampoo and conditioner.
Coconut oil comes head lice. (And it smells wonderful.)
Comb wet hair in the week with a good lice comb.
This is absolutely the best thing you can do to make sure you neverLice infestation. After washing hair, and immersion in a good air conditioner, comb once through all the hair (from scalp ends) with a really good lice comb. (Use the Licemeister or the Nit Free Terminator Comb.)
If you do this once a week, you can be sure if it will make lice on the head, they immediately removed. An infestation can never get started!
Although lice are not dangerous, they are very annoying and very frequent. Treatment of infections successfullyhuge project. Preventing head lice at all worth the small amount of time and effort it requires.
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