Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Michael Jackson Halloween Costume

Year after year, every Halloween there are different costumes, which are either new or very popular. I remember when many boys dressed as Spider-they were, after the popularity of the movie.

This year I'm sure we'll do a series of "new" types of decks himself for Halloween, and I am sure that Michael Jackson a Halloween costume goes to show itself in many adult Halloween parties.

In the course of the years many people have decks himself as Elvis Presley. In fact, thereSome of the men who looked like Elvis, and not just a Halloween dream, but they take every opportunity they have to like the king, and in their own way, a tribute to the great singer now gone dress she admired.

I would therefore predict that wear away this year, we have many men and women a Michael Jackson Halloween costume or a wig to make it that he will resemble. Dealers are always ready for this trend, and many online stores are also many other Michael Jacksoncostumes than ever before.

If you prefer to save money and make your own Michael Jackson costume, there are a few things you can do.

Search the online catalogs to get ideas
Pick a "look" that might be easy to imitate
Get a "Michael Jackson" wig

For instance, if you look at the photo on the Thriller album, Michael Jackson is wearing a white suit with a black shirt. Now that's an easy costume to come up with.

A pair of white pants, a white blazer, a black belt and a black shirt. Make sure you find a leopard-print cloth stuck in this pocket.

Another one is coming easy to view black pants, ankle-length white socks and black slippers, a white V-Neck T-Shirt a black jacket and follow a black felt hat.

You could buy a black jacket sequence on a consignment shop, but if you do can not find one, maybe a black shirt and a leather jacket will. As far as the glove ... Just go to your local pharmacy and look for one of these body scrub glovesin the body wash segment. They are mostly white and have a shiny nylon yarn made, as could happen to the glove.

What about other costumes, one might add? Well, this year I think that Star Trek is still very popular. Trekkies Trekkies will always be, but also for those who might need an easy costume, especially for men or boys not be easier.

Get a long sleeve T-shirt, either blue or gold. Glue some gold or silver ribbon on the sleeves (usually 3Bands of the band) and wear it on a black T-shirt. Make sure that the black T-shirt shows the collar. If necessary, sew, staple the PIN or neck, so that the neck out of his black T-shirt shows at any time. A pair of black pants and you're good to go. You buy a complete Trekkie cheap toy gun on the topic.

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